Held annually, the aims and constitution of the reunion - which is an official Branch of the RGJ Association - is to reunite ex-Bandsmen & Buglers of the Royal Green Jackets and its former Regiments of:
The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (43rd & 52nd)
The Kings Royal Rifle Corps (60th)
The Rifle Brigade (95th)
From the first reunion in July 1983, attended by 40 ex-members of the Ox & Bucks band, we have gradually integrated all three RGJ battalion bands, and have built up a mailing directory of over 800 ex-members.
The reunions are very popular with well over 100 ex-members attending each year. Over the past few years we have been fortunate to secure the services of the Waterloo Band (TA) members who bring along a programme of music and spare instruments for ex-members (who have the puff) to sit down and play music together. Ex-buglers are also well represented as word gets round, and it is a pleasure to hear the silver bugles sounding off again - indoors too… oh the poor ear drums of those sat in front (lol)
To complement the reunion, an Annual Newsletter is produced and despatched to the members, thus keeping them up-to-date and informed of whats going on
If you haven't sampled a reunion yet… please get in touch with the secretary who will be more than happy to point you in the right direction….. see you at the bar ... !!